Fire Safety Audit

Fire Safety Audit

The audit is an examination of the premises and relevant documents to ascertain how the premises are being managed regarding fire safety. The inspector may also wish to talk to members of staff to confirm their level of fire safety awareness.

The emphasis is on the responsible person demonstrating they have met the duties required by the fire safety order. For this reason, we may ask to see the following documents as evidence.

  • A suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment by a competent person
  • Action plans related to any significant findings of the fire risk assessment
  • Emergency plans for the premises (what to do in the event of a fire)
  • Preventative and protective measures regarding fire
  • Fire drills and staff fire training records (who, when, & what training)
  • Fire safety maintenance checklist (what is checked, by who, and when)
  • Staff information on fire safety and dangerous substances.
  • Evidence that the following have been tested by a competent person:- Fire detection and warning system; Emergency lighting; Sprinkler System; Ventilation System; Firefighting equipment; Electrical wiring in the building; Portable appliance testing.